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Thursday, April 14, 2011


Hi everyone! I just wanted to give a quick note to apologize for not being able to blog very regularly especially in these last few weeks of tax season! I have not had any time to web shop this week so there will be no "Ti Amo Thursday" today. I have a very busy few days ahead of me along with Vegas so I'm hoping to blog at least once before I leave. But once I get back my schedule becomes extremely lax and open so there should be at least 4 posts a week!

Thank you for being patient and for following me.. I promise good posts are coming!!! :)


StyleIDnet said...

Haha, I feel just like you. I am going through a crazy week, with lots of projects and lots of post ideas coming to my mind but no time to share them....
I understand you perfectly well,
Take it easy.

Mani said...

Happy Easter dear!

hugs and kisses by Mani.

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