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Saturday, February 5, 2011

In the Queue

Accounting for Fabulous is about more than fashion. The hopes for this blog is that we can discuss any and all things that give us something to look forward to after we clock out for the day (or after the school bell rings). In the Queue is going to be a feature about movies and television shows that are in my own personal Netflix queue. Netflix is one of the greatest ideas in the last decade! I have to say that my husband and I are avid supporters, so it only made sense to have a feature for my blog discussing our latest tube obsessions.

Arriving in our mailbox today should be..
We are latecomers to the Glee Nation. We resisted as long as we could and finally broke down a couple of months ago, shortly after we joined the Netflix hysteria. After a few episodes, of course we were hooked. The quirky storylines, the outrageous characters, the fun musical numbers.. what's not to love? I'm tickled pink that Brittany has a more prevalent role in Season 2. The Brittany episode was fantastic! Looking forward to seeing Gwyneth Paltrow and her "Forget You" rendition.

And on our Instant Queue:

I had never watched Buffy until Netflix. But my husband insisted that I be introduced to this cult favorite. I have to say I was a bit skeptical at first but after the first season, I finally was hooked. I also have to add that I am NOT an Angel fan. This confuses many friends of mine because of the uncanny similarities between Angel and Edward from Twilight because I am a Twi-hard. (I think Stephanie Meyer watched a lot of Buffy!) But the term "DB" comes to mind any time he enters my 42" Vizio screen and I inwardly cringe anytime he speaks. Spike, on the other hand.. yum-my!

So what are you lovely ladies (and gents) watching?


erika sorocco said...

While I have never seen Glee before; I am positively obsessed with Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Gossip Girl. I swear I thought I was Buffy as a child - she is the coolest girl on the planet!! :)

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